Research IT

Tag Search Results for Software

Found total of 72 items and showing 12 items on page 3 of 6

OriginPro Update

Anja Le Blanc,

The University OriginPro licence has recently been renewed.

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Software Productivity and Sustainability for Computational Science and Engineering - Call for Posters

Shoaib Sufi,

A minisymposterium (topical poster group) on “Software Productivity and Sustainability for CSE” for the SIAM CSE21 conference, is looking for poster contributions for this general topic to complement a range of minisymposia at the event.

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New ABAQUS Licence Agreement

David Buckley,

We are planning to change the ABAQUS licence allowing use remotely and on personal machines.

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Research Software Application Updates

Anja Le Blanc,

Our Research Applications Support team have been busy updating a range of research software applications to the latest versions.

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Free Mathematica Courses

Anja Le Blanc,

Learn Data Science, Data Visualisation and Image Processing for Free

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Avizo and Volume Graphics Licence Updates

Martin Turner,

If you are continuing to work from home and need access to specialised software packages both Avizo and Volume Graphics have home licences available.

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MATLAB Licence Update

Gillian Sinclair,

The MathWorks has provided The University with a licence to download and install the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.

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OriginPro License Assistance

Anja Le Blanc,

If you use OriginPro please see their latest announcement regarding licensing.

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Open Source Interaction and Data Visualisation Tool Launched


As part of the BBC Data Partnership, Joshua Woodcock, a Research Software Engineer in Research IT, developed the Interaction Data Visualisation Tool, (IDVT); a web-based data visualisation tool for the initial analysis of low-level interaction data taken from object-based user experiences.

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Research IT Club - Comparing Digital Images


The first Research IT club of 2020 takes place next month on the 12


of Feb. Come along to see our services in action through researcher presentations and to hear the latest research IT news. The February event sees Velson Horie from Manchester Museum describe online image comparison software and accompanying website produced for him by Research IT. Register now to attend on the 12th.

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Best Practice Top Tips


This month we have a bumper collection of top tips from our Research Software Engineers (RSEs)! They are passing on a selection of good practice tips which they advise all researchers who develop or write software, to consider adopting.

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NDEC – A Case Study in Ongoing Support


Our Research Software Engineers (RSE) provide a range of services including support for existing activities at the University. Find out more about how they are helping the National Drug Evidence Centre (NDEC) to keep their key services up to date.

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