Research IT

Tag Search Results for iCSF

Found total of 4 items

Announcing Hardware Upgrades to iCSF/Incline

Lines of vertical binary code radiating out into concentric circles, the code is overlayed on a background of concentric circles of blue dots which increase in size as they radiate away from the centre point.
Lines of vertical binary code radiating out into concentric circles, the code is overlayed on a background of concentric circles of blue dots which increase in size as they radiate away from the centre point.
Vicky Short,

If you're a user of the interactive Computational Shared Facility (iCSF)/incline system, you might want to take note of some improvements. These changes, carried out in July 2023, provide significant enhancements to the system's performance and capabilities.

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Raising Awareness in the Humanities

Simon Hood; Pen Richardson,

Members of our team recently presented at a Faculty of Humanities workshop designed to raise awareness amongst their researchers of the University’s high performance computing clusters and how we could develop our services to better address their needs.

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Planned Research Data Storage Essential Work

Image of sign reading "Temporarily Closed For Construction"
Image of sign reading "Temporarily Closed For Construction"
Simon Hood,

As part of the ongoing development of the Research Data Storage (RDS) platform (Isilon), essential work will be taking place on Saturday 5th March.

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Upgrade to the iCSF


Research IT are pleased to announce that thanks to further investment from IT Services, the popular interactive Computational Shared Facility (iCSF) will be upgraded over the summer. Currently the iCSF has 64GB and 256GB RAM nodes (and a 2TB node) and it will be upgraded with six new high memory 256GB nodes. The high memory nodes allow much larger datasets to be processed then can usually be done on desktops and workstations.

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