Found total of 3 items
Raising Awareness in the Humanities

Members of our team recently presented at a Faculty of Humanities workshop designed to raise awareness amongst their researchers of the University’s high performance computing clusters and how we could develop our services to better address their needs.
Film User Reviews Web Scraper

Research IT's drop-in sessions are just one of our many ways of reaching out to researchers across the University. We get some very interesting requests at our sessions and this is a great example of how our Research Software Engineers (RSEs) were able to help out.
Humanities Researcher Needing a Research Boost?

Are you a Humanities researcher? Would you like to be able to repeat a simple computing task several times but don’t want to use your own machine to do this? By using the UoM computational shared facilities (CSF) you can offload your jobs to the high performance computing (HPC) facility. This will allow you to save space and resources on your own machine to work on something else.