Research IT

Tag Search Results for Software Sustainability Institute

Found total of 5 items

Research IT at Collaborations Workshop 2024

conference audience
conference audience
Aman Goel, Scott Archer-Nicholls,

Aman Goel and Scott Archer-Nicholls from the Research Software Engineering team attended the recent Collaborations Workshop (CW24). Here they share some of the highlights from their time at the event.

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Introducing Software Citation

Robert Haines,

In August, GitHub announced software citation support in GitHub repositories. Discover how Rob Haines, Head of Research IT, played an instrumental role in making this happen.

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Summer Carpentry Training

Chris Grave, Douglas Lowe, Kamilla Kopec-Harding, Aleksandra Nenadic,

Members of Research IT are contributing to the current series of Carpentry workshops for researchers, postgraduates and staff at the University of Manchester, which was kicked off early in June with an online Library Carpentry workshop.

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Specialised CDT Training Events


Earlier this month, Research IT provided training for the University's Regenerative Medicine Centre for Doctoral Training. The training was arranged by the Software Sustainability Institute, and was a two day Software Carpentry workshop. The instructors were Mike Jackson from EPCC at the University of Edinburgh and David Mawdsley from Research IT.

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Become a Software Sustainability Institute Fellow


Applications are now open for the Software Sustainability Institute’s 2017 Fellowship programme.

What is the programme about?

The Fellowship Programme run by the Software Sustainability Institute funds researchers in exchange for their expertise and advice.

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