Found total of 18 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2
GRASS - Implementing an online patient registry

The Research Software Engineering (RSE) team has created a new online database to allow clinicians to track symptoms and treatments for patients with Alopecia Areata. This blog post discusses the technical decisions we made to guarantee the availability and security of patient data during the pilot phase of this project.
Introduction to Research IT
Nov. 14, 2024 11:00 — 12:30
4.205 University Place
Registration is NOW CLOSED
New PhD student or researcher at the University of Manchester? This session is designed to introduce you to Research IT and how we can help!
Future Plans for Research IT

At the start of year Research IT commissioned Open Data Manchester to undertake a series of strategy finding workshops with members of the research community from across the University. The report generated from the outcomes of the workshops is now available and we'd like to hear your thoughts.
Intro to Research IT
Feb. 20, 2024 11:00 — 12:30
2.218 University Place
Registration is NOW CLOSED
New PhD student or researcher at the University of Manchester? This session is designed to introduce you to Research IT and how we can help!
New Head of Research IT Announced

Back in June we announced some changes in Research IT management. We are now pleased to announce that, following the recent open competition, Robert Haines has been appointed as Head of Research IT.
Changes in Research IT Leadership

Our Research IT function is a key partner for many of the University’s research community and has never been in such high demand. In fact the demand has increased by around 75% over the last two years!
Angus Hearmon, as our Head of Research IT, has also seen his remit grow. To continue to meet demand appropriately, it has been decided to split the responsibilities of the Head of Research IT in to two roles.
New Year, New Drop-In Sessions!

New researcher or PGR student at the University of Manchester? Completely confused about Research IT? Come along to a drop-in session and speak to members of the Research IT team face to face!
Research IT Governance

Have you wondered how to feed your views into Research IT? Have you wondered what the research input to Research IT is? How do we plan and take researcher’s views and concerns into account? To find out more about Research IT governance and who your School representatives are, click on each Governance Board name.
Research IT Expertise Helps Human Brain Simulation

Research IT has been providing the SpiNNaker project with research software engineer (RSE) expertise to help them simulate billions of simple neurons in order to create brain inspired computing systems.
Introduction to version control using Git

Research IT will be running a new full-day course providing an intensive hands-on introduction to version control using Git on Wednesday 6th July 2016.
The course is aimed at those who have no or little experience of version control. It will cover:
- What version control is;
- The main benefits of using version control;
- How to set up and work with a local repository;
- How to work with remote repositories using GitHub;
- Topics such as branching, resolving conflicts, merging and rebasing;
- Working collaboratively on one repository.
Research IT Core Application Suite

Earlier this year Research IT requested feedback on a proposal to implement a ‘core research application suite’ that would focus support, training and licence resources on a selected suite of applications chosen to offer maximum value to University researchers.
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to contribute to this review, your input was very valuable. Based upon the feedback received it is clear that there is demand for the implementation of a general data visualisation tool (e.g. Spotfire, Tableau) and we are now proceeding with an evaluation of a set of candidate tools with the objective of selecting and deploying such a tool later this year.
The launch of Data-Processing Shared Facility
The Data-Processing Shared Facility (DPSF) is now available to early-adopters. The DPSF is a new computational platform (developed from Hydra) which is complementary to the highly-successful Computational Shared Facility (CSF) which has been in production for several years: The DPSF is specified for high-memory and IO-intensive work.