Found total of 3 items
Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme

Applications are now open for the Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme which engages with individuals who are passionate about research software use and/or development and helps to support them to better understand the challenges faced by their domains. The programme also helps to support them as ambassadors for better software practices in their areas of working and Institutions.
EPSRC Research Software Engineer Fellowships Call

EPSRC has announced a call to support Research Software Engineer (RSE) Fellowships for a period of up to 5 years. The Fellowships are open to exceptional individuals in the software field who demonstrate leadership and have combined expertise in programming and a solid knowledge of the research environment.
Become a Software Sustainability Institute Fellow

Applications are now open for the Software Sustainability Institute’s 2017 Fellowship programme.
What is the programme about?
The Fellowship Programme run by the Software Sustainability Institute funds researchers in exchange for their expertise and advice.