Research IT

Tag Search Results for CaDiR

Found total of 20 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2

Launch of GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation Community

July 24, 2024 13:00 — 14:00


Registration is NOW CLOSED

Join researchers from across the University for the launch of the new Geographical Information Systems, Mapping and Earth Observation community.

Launch of new GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation Community

Image of earth taken from space by NASA
Image of earth taken from space by NASA
Gail Millin-Chalabi,

Join us in launching a new Computation and Data in Research (CaDiR) community! The GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) community aims to facilitate innovative and interdisciplinary use of geospatial methodologies and technologies through building a dedicated, university-wide geospatial community.

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Manchester Research Software Community - lightning talk session

July 17, 2024 10:30 — 12:30

Online and on campus (TBC)

Registration is NOW CLOSED

Join the Manchester Research Software Community on the 17th of July for a series of lightning talks covering a wide variety of topics from the University research community.

Reflections and Futures from Manchester Research Software Community

People sitting in a tiered lecture theatre listening to a person speaking at the front of the room
People sitting in a tiered lecture theatre listening to a person speaking at the front of the room
Aman Goel,

The Spring meeting of the Manchester Research Software Community featured a presentation on GitHub Project Automation as well as breakout groups to discuss the next steps for the group. Aman Goel reflects on what the community has achieved so far and their plans for the future.

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UoM UK Biobank Users Wrap Up for 23/24

A couple sitting on camping chairs chatting whilst the sunsets
A couple sitting on camping chairs chatting whilst the sunsets
Nils Muhlert, Charlotte Woolley,

The last UoM UK Biobank Users meeting of the academic year recently took place but there is still plenty of activity going on over the summer!

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Manchester Research Software Community

May 29, 2024 10:30 — 12:30

Rm 4.38, Simon Building

Registration is NOW CLOSED

After a successful winter meeting, we are excited to announce our spring meeting for the Manchester Research Software Community! The meeting will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn more about the community, learn about "GitHub Project Automation", participate in discussion sessions, as well as network with other community members. We encourage everyone involved with or interested in research software to participate!

UoM UK Biobank Users

May 15, 2024 10:00 — 11:30

G 47 Williamson Building

Registration is NOW CLOSED

The last meeting of the academic year of the UK Biobank User Group will feature an extended presentation on the strengths and limitations of the UK Biobank datasets from Prof Martin Rutter from the School of Medical Sciences. Martin will take up his position as Deputy Chief Scientist at UK Biobank in June 2024.

Virtually Working or Virtually Playing?

Vicky Short,

The February VR@Manchester Club’s community event showcased a diverse range of extended reality (XR) applications from across the University’s research community.

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A Meeting of Agile Minds

Aman Goel,

The second meeting of the Manchester Research Software community featured two presentations: the first on the use of agile practices in research software; and one on the recently launched University instance of GitHub Enterprise. The presentations are now available to the University research community.

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Open Science and the UK Biobank

Gillian Sinclair, Nils Muhlert, Vicky Short,

The recent UoM UK Biobank Users Group meeting featured two presentations: the first on the importance of open, reproducible research; and one on using the Research Analysis Platform (RAP) to analyse the UK Biobank database. The presentations and meeting recording are now available to the University research community.

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Developing a Data Stewardship Community

Eleanor Warren,

Eleanor Warren, Research Services Librarian in the Library Research Data Management Team, explains current work to develop the model for Data Stewardship at The University of Manchester, including establishing a community to raise awareness of data stewardship.

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Manchester Research Software Community - Inaugural Meeting

Nov. 21, 2023 11:00 — 13:00

G107, Alan Turing Building

Registration is NOW CLOSED

Bringing members of the research community for the inaugural meeting of the Manchester Research Software Community.