Found total of 4 items
CSF3 is coming...

The CSF (Computational Shared Facility) and DPSF (Data Processing Shared Facility), the University's flagship HPC systems for compute and high memory work, have been steadily growing over the past 7 years. Approximately 4 million pounds have been invested resulting in over 10,000 CPU cores, over 1PB of scratch and 60TB of RAM being available.
Research IT Club February 2017

The next Research IT Club will be held on the 14th of Feb and will feature presentations on the latest developments from Research IT, making the most of our Data Processing Shared Facility (DPSF) and how researchers can be involved in the Research Life Cycle Programme. To attend the event please register so we know how much coffee to order in.
The launch of Data-Processing Shared Facility
The Data-Processing Shared Facility (DPSF) is now available to early-adopters. The DPSF is a new computational platform (developed from Hydra) which is complementary to the highly-successful Computational Shared Facility (CSF) which has been in production for several years: The DPSF is specified for high-memory and IO-intensive work.
Off-campus access to data-sets from the CSF and DPSF - NATaaS

For important security-related reasons, University of Manchester computational platforms are not accessible directly from outside the campus, nor can UoM platforms directly access Web and FTP sites which are off-campus.