Research IT

Tag Search Results for RSE

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Costing Mobile App Development


Like several of the services offered by Research IT, mobile application development by our team of skilled Research Software Engineers (RSEs) should be costed into your grant application before it is submitted.

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Helping to Reduce Carbon Emissions


Researchers from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Manchester have been helping local authorities across the UK plan their carbon emissions reduction strategies with a little help from Research IT.

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Research IT Club June Presentations


Thank you to everyone who came along to the last Research IT club of the current academic year. If you were unable to attend, all the presentations are now available at the links below. There are updates from Research IT as well as the presentations on improving code to improve probabilistic treatment planning for cancer and free of charge performance optimisation and productivity services for your academic and industrial code.

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Improving Code to Improve Cancer Treatment


Come along to the Research IT Club on the 4th of June and find out how our Research Software Engineering team is helping UoM researchers to improve radiation treatment in cancer therapy. There will also be updates on the latest computational procurement and the latest news from across Research IT.

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Funding Available for Open Source Software


The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will soon put out a call for applications for open source software projects that are essential to biomedical research. Applicants can request funding between $50k and $250k for one year. If you are interested in applying then please get in touch!

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Introducing our New Mobile App Development Service


There was a bumper turn out at the April Research IT club which focused on our new mobile applications development service. There were many new faces and a lot of questions about how the service will run, how the collected data will be stored etc. If you were unable to make the club you can catch up now on the presentations at the links below.

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Want to use mobile apps in your research?


Come along to the Research IT club on the 4th of April to find out more about our new mobile application development service. If you want to use mobile apps in your research or are interested in having an app developed as part of a research grant application, then this is the Research IT Club for you!

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Introducing the Institute of Coding


The Institute of Coding (IoC) is a Government initiative involving universities, industry and professionals which aims to address the UK digital skills shortage. One of the key aims of the project is to improve the quality and relevance of digital skills education delivered by UK universities.

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Biggest ever map of human Alzheimer’s brain published


A study of the differences between healthy brains and those with Alzheimer’s Disease has produced largest dataset of its type ever. And, thanks to Phil Bradbury, Research Software Engineer (RSE) in Research IT, the dataset is now freely available online for any scientist to use.

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Research IT Club December Presentations


Thank you to everyone who came along to the Christmas Research IT Club and to those who took the opportunity to ask questions! If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available at the links below. There are updates on research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as the presentations from our guest speakers - Dr Antony Payton from the Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences and Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO IT Services.

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Research IT and the 1 Million Core Machine


One of our Senior Research Software Engineers (RSE), Andrew Rowley, recently helped to develop software for and launch SpiNNaker, a machine with million cores.

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Citizen Sensors in Brazil


Imagine if you could gather data from thousands of mobile data points reacting to the environment around them? That's what our Research Software Engineers have been helping to do and in more than one language thanks to an international collaboration!

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