Found total of 132 items and showing 12 items on page 4 of 11
Meet Our Year in Industry Students!

This year we are hosting three Year in Industry students from the Department of Computer Science. They will be an integral part of our team for the next year and will be working alongside our Research Software Engineers (RSEs).
Promoting Open Research

Research Software Engineer Ann Gledson appears in a new video case study from the Office for Open Research discussing how to make research data available to a diverse research community.
Aiding Breast Cancer Prevention in Under-supported Groups

Research Software Engineers Patricia Barnby and Adrian Harwood, of our Mobile Development Service, have developed a new app in partnership with The Nightingale Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital and the Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. It targets women under the age of 35 with a family history of breast cancer – a group for whom there is little support available at present.
Bringing The Metaverse to Fusion Research

The Metaverse, virtual environments which users can explore and interact with, is beginning to be applied to engineering challenges. Can the Nvidia Omniverse help accelerate Fusion Energy research? Oliver Woolland, Research Software Engineer (RSE), has supported a team leading an investigation, bringing advanced scientific and engineering tools to the Metaverse.
Shiny App Pilot Service Launched

If you're an R user, Shiny lets you build interactive web apps to share your work with the world. Find out how we can help you do it with our new Shiny pilot service.
Introducing Software Citation

In August, GitHub announced software citation support in GitHub repositories. Discover how Rob Haines, Head of Research IT, played an instrumental role in making this happen.
Tackling Hay Fever One Tool at a Time

Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineer, is working with researchers from Computer Science and the Alan Turing Institute to investigate the relationship between hay fever and air quality.
LinguaSnapp Gets a Facelift

Read about the new LinguaSnapp mobile app developed by our Mobile Development Service (MDS). Supporting the Multi-Lingual Manchester project, it is available in three flavours (Manchester, Jerusalem and Melbourne) and was built for Android and iOS using our favourite .NET cross platform framework.
Modelling the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Software Engineers, Peter Crowther and Ann Gledson, have been working with the University Department of Mathematics and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on improving their simulation model of contact tracing, which can be used to predict and explain the effectiveness of different strategies in reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2
Making a Difference Award for Manchester Urban Observatory

Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineer, is part of a cross-university team that recently won a University of Manchester “Making a Difference” award for the Manchester Urban Observatory.
Data Mining Student Engagement Patterns

Back in 2019, two Research Software Engineers (RSEs) were co-authors on a paper which aimed to motivate users to reflect on their search behaviour, and to experiment with different search functionalities. This work has now been extended using data mining.
Distributing Hardware-optimized Simulation Software with Conda

Two of our Research Software Engineers have been working with the University eScience Lab on a BioExcel project to develop Conda packages for GROMACS making it easier for researchers to set up and run the software and to increase its reproducibility from computational workflow systems.