Research IT

Tag Search Results for RSE

Found total of 117 items and showing 12 items on page 4 of 10

Making a Difference Award for Manchester Urban Observatory

Ann Gledson, Gillian Sinclair,

Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineer, is part of a cross-university team that recently won a University of Manchester “Making a Difference” award for the Manchester Urban Observatory.

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Data Mining Student Engagement Patterns

Ann Gledson,

Back in 2019, two Research Software Engineers (RSEs) were co-authors on a paper which aimed to motivate users to reflect on their search behaviour, and to experiment with different search functionalities. This work has now been extended using data mining.

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Distributing Hardware-optimized Simulation Software with Conda

Robin Long, Douglas Lowe, Stian Soiland-Reyes,

Two of our Research Software Engineers have been working with the University eScience Lab on a BioExcel project to develop Conda packages for GROMACS making it easier for researchers to set up and run the software and to increase its reproducibility from computational workflow systems.

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Teaching the Next Generation of Software Engineers

Peter Crowther, Suzanne Embury,

Find out how our Research Software Engineers have been working with researchers from Computer Science to bring coding to the next generation.

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Mobile Service features in “Research On the Go”

Patricia Barnby and Adrian Harwood,

Research Software Engineer (RSE) Patricia Barnby and Mobile Development Service (MDS) lead Adrian Harwood were recently guest panellists on the popular Society of Research Software Engineering webinar series where they discussed how RSE groups handle the growing demand for mobile apps from researchers.

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Analysing Tweets from Twitter

Peter Crowther,

Twitter has just announced a new programme to allow researchers to interact with Twitter to extract data for research purposes. In this blog Peter Crowther, a Research Software Engineer in Research IT, gives an introduction to interacting with Twitter programmatically and what these latest changes mean for researchers.

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Developing an open source environmental data-set and tools

Ann Gledson and Douglas Lowe,

Douglas Lowe and Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineers from Research IT, recently presented an online poster updating on the work they have been doing for an Alan Turing Institute funded project led by David Topping (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) and Caroline Jay (School of Computer Science).

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Microsoft Research Technology Professionals Community Launch

Gillian Sinclair,

Microsoft have recently launched a new community for Research Software Engineers (RSEs), Data Scientists, Data Stewards and System Administrators.

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Research IT November Costing Clinic

Nov. 19, 2020 11:00 — 12:00


Registration is NOW CLOSED

It’s really important that you include all the Research IT services you require in your research grant application AND that you talk to us before you submit your application. This allows us to plan accordingly and to make sure that the effort and support are available at the right time if your grant application is successful.

bmBASE: Web Application & Database

Veselin Karaganev,

Veselin Karaganev, a Computer Science summer student from the University has been working with our Research Software Engineers to develop a web database for the basement membraneBASE project from Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research.

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EPSRC Research Software Engineer Fellowships 2020

Martin Turner,

There is a prestigious 5-year Research Software Engineering Fellowship call announced with first round deadline on 18 August 2020.

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Personalising Breast Cancer Risk

Andrew Jerrison,

Andrew Jerrison, Research Software Engineer, explains how he worked with researchers led by Prof. Gareth Evans from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, to develop a software application to collect and collate data that allows them to give women a personalised risk assessment of breast cancer at their normal screening session.

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