Research IT

EPSRC Research Software Engineer Fellowships 2020

There is a prestigious 5-year Research Software Engineering Fellowship call announced with first round deadline on 18 August 2020.

The RSE Fellowship scheme aims to recognise the contribution of RSEs who are driving the development of high-quality research software and demonstrating leadership in embedding the vital role of software in disciplinary and institutional research cultures. An RSE Fellowship is a personal award, designed to provide the recipient with the necessary support to contribute to these aims. Fellows are provided with significant resources in order to pursue their vision and establish or develop RSE activities within their institution.

If you are interested in applying for a Fellowship please note that, internally to the University, there is a Selection Panel headed by Rob Haines and Prof. Chris Taylor to pre-select candidates as only two can be submitted per institute.

Any interested candidates should:

  • Contact Robert Haines (Head of Research IT) and / or Martin Turner as soon as possible with any questions and;
  • Submit a short draft proposal of one-two A4 pages to Rob and Martin by 31 July 2020.

Support to the successful candidates is available from the national infrastructure institutes and software networks, as well as the UoM Research ITS.

Please distribute the call to any potential candidates in your research group or School and encourage them to apply.