Research IT

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October Research IT Club Presentations Available!


Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from the research lifecycle programme (RLP), research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as an interesting use for your Android phone, click on the links below.

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We're Hiring - Research Software Engineer Posts Available!


Come and work for Research IT! We are looking for two permanent Research Software Engineers (RSEs) and/or Data Scientists to join our friendly, diverse team. We work on a huge variety of projects (long and short) across all Faculties and Institutes across the University, collaborating with academics and researchers of all disciplines.

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Letting R Sparkle


It may be the summer but our team is as busy as ever! David Mawdsley (Research Software Engineer) is putting together a new workshop on Shiny. This is an R package that makes it easy to make interactive web apps using R.

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Reconstructing a 16th Century Theatre in 3D


Research IT will soon be helping Oscar Seip from Italian Studies, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures to recreate a 3D prototype model of a 16th century theatre supposedly built for the King of France, Francis I. There has been some debate whether this theatre had in fact been a ‘real’ theatre but Oscar has discovered new evidence which suggests that it did actually exist.

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Research IT Club June Presentations Available


Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from research infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as a fantastic example of our research software engineers in action, click on the links below.

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Research IT Club – find out more about us and our services!


The next Research IT club will take place on the 5th of June and will feature updates from our research infrastructure and software engineering teams. Our two feature presentations will look at how Research IT is helping to create new parallel computer architecture inspired by the human brain. There will also be a presentation from IT Services on the planned changes to staff and cluster desktops across the university.

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Manchester Language Documentation Technology Heads to Russia


Thanks to a collaboration between the Multilingual Manchester research unit and the University’s Research IT group, students and citizens in Saint Petersburg will now have access to a Russian version of LinguaSnapp - The University of Manchester’s mobile app for documenting language landscapes.

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Research IT Club Feb Presentations Available


Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from the Research Lifecycle Programme, research infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as a fantastic example of our research software engineers in action, click on the links below.

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Developing New Ways of Comparing Ancient Documents


Nicolas Gruel, a research software engineer from Research IT has been working with Prof Peter Pormann (School of Arts, Languages and Cultures) to easily compare interpretations and translations of a collection of around 60 early Ancient Greek medical works associated with the physician Hippocrates.

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Technology makes light work of hard decisions


One of our research software engineers (RSE), Rob Dunne, has been embedded in a team working to facilitate decision-making for cancer patients who may benefit from experimental treatments in early clinical trials.

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Start of Year Drop-in Sessions


We're already looking forward to 2018 here in Research IT with the announcement of our first set of dates for our drop-in sessions.

These sessions are specially designed to help quickly answer any queries, questions or issues you may be having with research IT services including software help, data visualization, research data management, access to HPC resources and much much more.

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Research IT Club November Presentations Online


Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! The presentations are now available from the links below.

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