Research IT

Tag Search Results for UK Biobank

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UoM UK Biobank Community meeting


The new researcher-led organising committee for the UoM UK Biobank Community have announced that the second meeting of the UoM UK Biobank Community will take place on the 28th of Feb.

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UoM UK Biobank Presentations


On the 15th of November we held the first meeting of the UoM UK Biobank Community. There was a great turnout and everyone took the opportunity to ask questions of our speakers, including us! Thank you to everyone who attended, the presentations are now available below.

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UoM UK Biobank Community Meeting


We recently set up a mailing list for UoM UK Biobank users to connect with other UoM UK-Biobank users, ask questions and keep up to date with the community at the University. We would now like to invite UoM UK Biobank users and potential users to what we hope is the first of several events for our local community.

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UoM UK Biobank Community


Here at Research IT we provide access to a central copy of the UK Biobank 500,000 participant release of genetic data. This saves Biobank-approved projects huge amounts of storage and provides convenient access to the data via desktops and central compute platforms. A question we are being asked more frequently is whether there is a local UoM community in which to share user experiences and ask questions about the data and its analysis.

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