Found total of 20 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2
R.U.M Talk - Getting Started with Deep Learning in R
June 27, 2024 12:00 — 13:00
University Place, 5th Floor, Room 5.205
Registration is NOW CLOSED
The University of Manchester R User Group will be hosting a talk on Getting Started with Deep Learning in R.
What Can the Apps Team Do For You?

Over the last 12 months, the Research Application Support team has worked on over 350 support tickets from researchers across the University. Many are very much business as usual but some of them can be quite tricky or fun to work on.
Research Software Engineering Summer Update

In May Adrian Harwood, Head of Research Software Engineering (RSE), posted the first part of his update on the latest improvements to the RSE department. In his second part he summarises the more external facing improvements delivered by the RSE Levelling-Up Programme.
R User Group Needs You!

The recently relaunched R User Group (R.U.M) is looking for volunteers to form an organising team to help plan and deliver R User Group activities at the University.
R User Group Returns

The popular R user group at the University of Manchester (R.U.M) has recently been relaunched with a new online home - “The R User Group channel “ on Microsoft Teams.
Shiny App Pilot Service Launched

If you're an R user, Shiny lets you build interactive web apps to share your work with the world. Find out how we can help you do it with our new Shiny pilot service.
Users Needed for our Redeveloped Condor Pool!

The Condor Pool is a high-throughput computing (HTC) resource freely available to all researchers at the University of Manchester. The pool largely comprises of many of the PCs around campus located in teaching clusters. At night and at weekends, these are rebooted into Linux and used to run large numbers of computational jobs.
UoM R Users Group Meeting

Join fellow R users at the next meeting of the University of Manchester R user group on Wednesday 28th November from 12:00 -13:00 at University Place room no 3.205. Come along, bring your lunch, and meet R users from across the university.
R at University of Manchester (RUM) Group

Bring your lunch on Thursday 17th May, 12:00 -13:00 Zochonis B22 and meet fellow R users on campus, while listening to this month’s presenters, David Buil-Gil (PhD student and Teaching Assistant in Criminology at University of Manchester) and Angelo Moretti (Research Associate in small area estimation in the Department of Geography at University of Sheffield) talk about Small Area Estimation in R.
Specialised CDT Training Events

Earlier this month, Research IT provided training for the University's Regenerative Medicine Centre for Doctoral Training. The training was arranged by the Software Sustainability Institute, and was a two day Software Carpentry workshop. The instructors were Mike Jackson from EPCC at the University of Edinburgh and David Mawdsley from Research IT.