Found total of 19 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2
LinguaSnapp Gets a Facelift

Read about the new LinguaSnapp mobile app developed by our Mobile Development Service (MDS). Supporting the Multi-Lingual Manchester project, it is available in three flavours (Manchester, Jerusalem and Melbourne) and was built for Android and iOS using our favourite .NET cross platform framework.
Helping to Celebrate 200 years of The Guardian Newspaper

University libraries are increasingly hosting their collections online to reach a wider audience, however conventional web publishing platforms, such as WordPress, have been found to lack essential features that are required in digital collections. This is where dedicated digital collections platforms step in to provide the specialist set of technologies that would otherwise not be available.
Research IT Club February Presentations

Thank you to everyone who came along to the first Research IT club of 2020. If you were unable to attend, all the presentations are now available at the links below. We had some great presentations on how our new digital image comparison and what the introduction of Office 365 will mean for researchers.
Research IT Club - Comparing Digital Images

The first Research IT club of 2020 takes place next month on the 12th of Feb. Come along to see our services in action through researcher presentations and to hear the latest research IT news. The February event sees Velson Horie from Manchester Museum describe online image comparison software and accompanying website produced for him by Research IT. Register now to attend on the 12th.
Data Visualisation Observatory Launched

Research IT will be supporting a new 3D, large-scale visualisation facility in The Alliance Manchester Business School. Not only will we be supplying our expertise by supporting the facility, but we will also be working to integrate it with the rest of the computational infrastructure at the University.
Making Large Databases Easily Available

Research IT have recently collaborated with Dr. Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo in the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) to make a large patent information database easily available to researchers in AMBS and across the University.
Film User Reviews Web Scraper

Research IT's drop-in sessions are just one of our many ways of reaching out to researchers across the University. We get some very interesting requests at our sessions and this is a great example of how our Research Software Engineers (RSEs) were able to help out.
WhatsApp Scraping

When researchers Drs Gary Motteram, Susan Dawson and Amanda Banks Gatenby from the School of Environment, Education and Development wanted to run analysis on WhatsApp messages, they came to Research IT for help.
Humanities Researcher Needing a Research Boost?

Are you a Humanities researcher? Would you like to be able to repeat a simple computing task several times but don’t want to use your own machine to do this? By using the UoM computational shared facilities (CSF) you can offload your jobs to the high performance computing (HPC) facility. This will allow you to save space and resources on your own machine to work on something else.
Research IT Club - Visualization and Digital Image Viewing

Come along to the Research IT club on the 13th of Feb to hear more about our brand new Visualization And Data Analysis Laboratory – vDAL and the launch of a new university wide service – Digital Image Viewer. There will also be updates on the latest news from Research IT infrastructure and Applications and Software.
The abstracts for the event at 3pm on the 13th of Feb in Rm 4.4 Roscoe are below and we ask all attendees to register for the event.
Focus on Digital Health and Digital Humanities

Many University of Manchester researchers were users of N8 HPC and the computational resource, Polaris. Polaris was switched off at the end of July and N8 HPC has now been relaunched as N8 Centre of Excellence for Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR).
Reconstructing a 16th Century Theatre in 3D

Research IT will soon be helping Oscar Seip from Italian Studies, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures to recreate a 3D prototype model of a 16th century theatre supposedly built for the King of France, Francis I. There has been some debate whether this theatre had in fact been a ‘real’ theatre but Oscar has discovered new evidence which suggests that it did actually exist.