Research IT

Tag Search Results for RLP

Found total of 13 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2

A Boost to Research Computing Power

Chris Grave, Vicky Short,

Major upgrade to the University’s flagship High Performance Computing (HPC) service.

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Speed up Research Approval with the Research Risk Profiler

A rubber stamp printing the word approved
A rubber stamp printing the word approved
Kalu Uka,

Originally launched in February 2022 as part of the Research Lifecycle’s Project A, the Research Risk Profiler (RRP) is a simple tool that helps researchers to quickly and easily identify factors which may delay or slow their work. Kalu Uka from the Research Lifecycle Programme explains more.

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Upgrades to Research Explorer

Traceyanne Sinclair,

Find out about the latest upgrade to Research Explorer and what it means for researchers at the University.

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New Large-memory Compute Nodes Available!


As datasets increase in size the need for more memory in your available compute hardware becomes more pressing. Applications such as R, Stata, python and MATLAB are often used to process these datasets and can require significant amounts of memory - to load the dataset, process it and generate results.

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High Performance Compute Resources Investment


As part of the Research Lifecycle Programme, The University of Manchester (UoM) has made a £1 million investment into computational resource to further enable research across all faculties and institutes.

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Wanted - Your Thoughts on Computational Resources!


Last year, we held workshops to gather input on spending Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) funds on developing our computational resources on a year-by-year basis.

We are already looking ahead to next year, and feedback from our research community is important in making sure we have the right resources in place for the future.

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Christmas Research IT Club


Come along to the Research IT club in December to find out more about all the large research IT infrastructure procurements that are coming soon as well as the use of HTC Vive Pro in VR teaching. There will also be a presentation from Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO of IT Services about his vision for a digital university.

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Research IT Infrastructure Investment


There is a lot of activity in Research IT regarding investment in research IT infrastructure and the Research Lifecycle Programme. It can all get a bit confusing! We have put together a summary of the current position regarding investment and workshop outcomes which we hope you will find useful.

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Cloud Procurement - Easier and Cheaper!


As part of the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) we are looking at procurement processes alongside HPC provision. We know that many researchers at the University are already using Cloud provision and that many more would like to do so. However at the moment there is no official process in place to procure or access Cloud resources.

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October Research IT Club Presentations Available!


Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from the research lifecycle programme (RLP), research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as an interesting use for your Android phone, click on the links below.

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Shape the Future of Research IT Infrastructure


We are pleased to say that the HPC business case to the Research Lifecycle Programme was successful! This means that we now have substantial funds to invest in research IT infrastructure such as computational resource, VMs, storage, etc and we need your help!

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The Future of the Research Lifecycle Programme


The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) scoping phase is drawing to a conclusion. Over the past six months there has been an intense period of consultation with the research and support community staff through workshops, one to one interviews, deep dives, and a Thought Exchange survey. The Thought Exchange provided us with a comprehensive insight of the ideas of the community from PhD students to professors and support staff of how they envisage future e-infrastructure data management and support.

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