Found total of 12 items
Speed up Research Approval with the Research Risk Profiler

Originally launched in February 2022 as part of the Research Lifecycle’s Project A, the Research Risk Profiler (RRP) is a simple tool that helps researchers to quickly and easily identify factors which may delay or slow their work. Kalu Uka from the Research Lifecycle Programme explains more.
Upgrades to Research Explorer

Find out about the latest upgrade to Research Explorer and what it means for researchers at the University.
Christmas Research IT Club

Come along to the Research IT club in December to find out more about all the large research IT infrastructure procurements that are coming soon as well as the use of HTC Vive Pro in VR teaching. There will also be a presentation from Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO of IT Services about his vision for a digital university.
Research IT Infrastructure Investment

There is a lot of activity in Research IT regarding investment in research IT infrastructure and the Research Lifecycle Programme. It can all get a bit confusing! We have put together a summary of the current position regarding investment and workshop outcomes which we hope you will find useful.
Cloud Procurement - Easier and Cheaper!

As part of the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) we are looking at procurement processes alongside HPC provision. We know that many researchers at the University are already using Cloud provision and that many more would like to do so. However at the moment there is no official process in place to procure or access Cloud resources.
The Future of the Research Lifecycle Programme

The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) scoping phase is drawing to a conclusion. Over the past six months there has been an intense period of consultation with the research and support community staff through workshops, one to one interviews, deep dives, and a Thought Exchange survey. The Thought Exchange provided us with a comprehensive insight of the ideas of the community from PhD students to professors and support staff of how they envisage future e-infrastructure data management and support.
Calling All PhD Students & Post Docs!

We need you to get involved with the Research Lifecycle Programme by contributing to a Focus Group to have your say on what matters to you in your research now, and in the future – computing platforms, research data management, software, collaboration tools, and managing your research.
Research Support Staff Wanted!

Do you support research through your role in finance, as a technician manager, RBESS or in a support role such as Senior Experimental Officer? If so we want to hear from you! This Research Life Cycle workshop will look at the current state of administrative research support in the area of managing funding: post-award management and closing of award.
Research Life Cycle - Strategy for Administration of Research

Research IT is currently seeking researchers to attend two Research Life Cycle workshops. The first workshop will aim to establish the current “as-is” model of administrative research support and establish the parameters for change and possible options to enable change. The second workshop will investigate how researchers would like research administration for the University of Manchester to work in the future.
Research Life Cycle – progress, opportunities and impacts

We plan to update you regularly on the Research Life Cycle programme so you can keep fully up to date with progress and, more importantly, find out how you can be involved and contribute to the project.
The Research Life Cycle (RLC) aims to deliver uplift in management and support of Research within the University to support the goal of world class research. This will be done through a set of targeted substantial investments to provide streamlined research support and upgrade in the e-Research infrastructure of the University. An outline budget of £15M over 5 years has been set.
Research Lifecycle - Call for Participation

The Research Lifecycle project is a programme of work to deliver and embed systems and processes that enable and support researchers through the entire lifecycle of their research project from the conceptual phase through to the publication and archiving. This work will support the M2020 goal 1 of “World Class Research”. The project team are now looking for researchers who would like to contribute to the project through a short interview.
Introducing the Research Lifecycle

A guest blog post from Angus Hearmon, Head of Research IT, who introduces the Research Lifecycle project and explains what it means for researchers across the university.
The Research Lifecycle project is a program of work to deliver and embed systems and processes that enable and support researchers through the entire lifecycle of their research project from the conceptual phase through to the publication and archiving. This work will support the M2020 goal 1 of "World Class Research".