Found total of 24 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2
Research IT Club February Presentations

Thank you to everyone who came along to the first Research IT club of 2020. If you were unable to attend, all the presentations are now available at the links below. We had some great presentations on how our new digital image comparison and what the introduction of Office 365 will mean for researchers.
Research IT Club - Comparing Digital Images

The first Research IT club of 2020 takes place next month on the 12th of Feb. Come along to see our services in action through researcher presentations and to hear the latest research IT news. The February event sees Velson Horie from Manchester Museum describe online image comparison software and accompanying website produced for him by Research IT. Register now to attend on the 12th.
Get Your Code Optimised for Free!

Come along to the Research IT club on the 4th of June to find out more about a free service from POP (Performance Optimisation and Productivity) Centre of excellence in HPC. They provide free of charge performance optimisation and productivity services for (your) academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains.
Introducing our New Mobile App Development Service

There was a bumper turn out at the April Research IT club which focused on our new mobile applications development service. There were many new faces and a lot of questions about how the service will run, how the collected data will be stored etc. If you were unable to make the club you can catch up now on the presentations at the links below.
Research IT Club February Presentations

It was great to see such a good turnout for the February Research IT club - thank you to everyone who came along! If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available at the links below. There are updates on research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as the presentations on our new Visualization And Data Analysis Laboratory (vDAL) and the launch of a new university wide service – Digital Image Viewer.
Research IT Club - Visualization and Digital Image Viewing

Come along to the Research IT club on the 13th of Feb to hear more about our brand new Visualization And Data Analysis Laboratory – vDAL and the launch of a new university wide service – Digital Image Viewer. There will also be updates on the latest news from Research IT infrastructure and Applications and Software.
The abstracts for the event at 3pm on the 13th of Feb in Rm 4.4 Roscoe are below and we ask all attendees to register for the event.
Research IT Club December Presentations

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Christmas Research IT Club and to those who took the opportunity to ask questions! If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available at the links below. There are updates on research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as the presentations from our guest speakers - Dr Antony Payton from the Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences and Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO IT Services.
Christmas Research IT Club

Come along to the Research IT club in December to find out more about all the large research IT infrastructure procurements that are coming soon as well as the use of HTC Vive Pro in VR teaching. There will also be a presentation from Malcolm Whitehouse, CIO of IT Services about his vision for a digital university.
October Research IT Club Presentations Available!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from the research lifecycle programme (RLP), research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as an interesting use for your Android phone, click on the links below.
The Research IT Club is Back!

Are you interested in using mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, for real-time, interactive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) – the simulation of fluid flow? If so then come along to our first club of the new academic year on the 11th of October! You can find out more about this and the opportunities that digital transformation could bring to the university.
Research IT Club June Presentations Available

Research IT Club – find out more about us and our services!