Research IT

Research IT Club February Presentations

It was great to see such a good turnout for the February Research IT club - thank you to everyone who came along! If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available at the links below. There are updates on research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as the presentations on our new Visualization And Data Analysis Laboratory (vDAL) and the launch of a new university wide service – Digital Image Viewer.

Updates from the Research IT teams

vDAL – Visualization And Data Analysis Laboratory - Louise Lever and Joshua Woodcock, Research ITDigitising the University’s cultural assets - Bryan Archer, Project Manager, Digital Image Viewer, IT Services

This service is not yet live but if you want to find out more please have a look at the Cambridge site. Some of the examples that Bryan demonstrated during his presentation are also available such as Shakespeare First Folio, Early Papers and Batak oracle bones.

The next Research IT club will be held in April and details of the next event will be announced on our blog, Twitter and newsletter.