Found total of 15 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 2
Upcoming Changes to MathWorks Sign On

From the 9th of Sept you will notice a change in how you sign into MathWorks products such as MATLAB and Simulink.
MATLAB Licence Update 2023

The University has once again renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.
MATLAB Licence Update 2022

The University has renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.
Faster MATLAB Code
June 9, 2022 13:30 — 16:00
Hanson Room, Humanities Bridgeford Street
Registration is NOW CLOSED
Join Research IT and MATLAB for an afternoon workshop which will teach you how to speed up your MATLAB code.
MATLAB Licence Update 2021

The University has renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.
Announcing MATLAB Online

MATLAB Online is now available to University staff and students and provides an alternative for occasional use or use on a fairly low powered laptop or tablet computer
MATLAB Licence Update

The University has purchased a license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.
Good News for MATLAB Users!

The Faculty of Science and Engineering has funded the extension of the MATLAB licence to allow its use on all University staff and students own devices until Sept 2021.
MATLAB Licence Update

The MathWorks has provided The University with a licence to download and install the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.
Users Needed for our Redeveloped Condor Pool!

The Condor Pool is a high-throughput computing (HTC) resource freely available to all researchers at the University of Manchester. The pool largely comprises of many of the PCs around campus located in teaching clusters. At night and at weekends, these are rebooted into Linux and used to run large numbers of computational jobs.
New MATLAB Course Announced

The Research IT training team have just announced a new MATLAB course aimed at those who have basic experience of using MATLAB and want to learn to write MATLAB programs and functions to perform calculations. The course covers the basics of control flow, introduces how to get optimal performance from MATLAB, and also covers MATLAB's programming tools.
NAG Numerical & Statistical Routines within MATLAB

NAG (The Numerical Algorithms Group) are running a training session on how to make the most of their numerical and statistical routines within MATLAB. The NAG Library, and Fortran Compiler, are available to University of Manchester staff and students for use on both institutional and personal machines for academic use under a site-wide license.