Found total of 6 items
Baler: Using AI to Help Efficiently Store Data in a Big Data Age

With ever more data being produced, can we store it efficiently? Research Software Engineer (RSE), Oliver Woolland, has been supporting a team to develop Baler, a Machine Learning tool for compressing scientific and engineering data.
Hacking Fluids Around Structures on GPUs in Sheffield

Ian Hinder, Research Software Engineer (RSE) from Research IT recently attended a GPU Hackathon at the University of Sheffield. In this blog post he explains the outcomes of the event and the benefits of having research software engineers involved in research projects.
High Performance Compute Resources Investment

As part of the Research Lifecycle Programme, The University of Manchester (UoM) has made a £1 million investment into computational resource to further enable research across all faculties and institutes.
Using Research IT Resources for CFD

Find out how a research group in the School of MACE are using our HPC resources in conjunction with those at The Hartree Centre, to help Unilever tackle business challenges and to develop new and better products.
October Research IT Club Presentations Available!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the latest Research IT Club and especially those who took the opportunity to ask questions! To see presentations on the latest news from the research lifecycle programme (RLP), research IT infrastructure and software engineering and applications support as well as an interesting use for your Android phone, click on the links below.
The Research IT Club is Back!

Are you interested in using mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, for real-time, interactive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) – the simulation of fluid flow? If so then come along to our first club of the new academic year on the 11th of October! You can find out more about this and the opportunities that digital transformation could bring to the university.