Found total of 5 items
Virtual Mindfulness for Diabetics

People with Type 2 diabetes sometimes manage their stress through mindfulness but many find it difficult to practice without support. While there are apps available, many are not engaging enough to sustain use. To address this, researchers from the University and King's College London, partnered with Research IT to create a VR app as part of the VRUnwind project.
Virtually Working or Virtually Playing?

The February VR@Manchester Club’s community event showcased a diverse range of extended reality (XR) applications from across the University’s research community.
Feb. 28, 2024 14:00 — 16:00
4.204 University Place
Registration is NOW CLOSED
Extended Reality (XR) which encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) has the potential to revolutionise how we deliver education and research.
Through lightning talks, and interactive demonstrations the VR@Manchester working group will showcase real-world examples of how XR simulation is being developed or used across University faculties.
Reconstructing a 16th Century Theatre in 3D

Research IT will soon be helping Oscar Seip from Italian Studies, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures to recreate a 3D prototype model of a 16th century theatre supposedly built for the King of France, Francis I. There has been some debate whether this theatre had in fact been a ‘real’ theatre but Oscar has discovered new evidence which suggests that it did actually exist.
Interested in Using VR in Your Research?

Research IT took part in the latest Digilab meeting at the end of November with the aim of showing off some of our new VR equipment and to demo them to researchers from across the university. A successful day was had with lots of interest in our HTC Vive and Google Daydream VR headsets and their applications in research. There was a mix of researchers who were already using VR in their research in some form to researchers who were trying VR for the first time. Hopefully they left with some inspiration on how VR could be used in their research!