Research IT

Tag Search Results for Training

Found total of 45 items and showing 9 items on page 4 of 4

Code Optimisation on ARCHER


Would you like to improve the performance of your applications on ARCHER?

This course on “Single Node Performance Optimisation” will cover the main features of modern HPC nodes, including multiple cores, vector floating point units, deep cache hierarchies, and NUMA memory systems.

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Microsoft Azure Training


Microsoft Research is offering a free, hands-on, cloud computing training course in partnership with the University of Sheffield. The course will take place on Wednesday 21st September 2016.

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New Research IT Training Courses announced


A number of training courses in research IT will take place in September to coincide with the start of term. The courses are open to all University of Manchester researchers (both staff and post grad).

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Maple Training Courses at UoM


There will be two introductory workshops for working with the maths software Maple and MapleSim (modeling and simulation tool). These workshops will introduce you to a number of teaching and research applications using Maplesoft tools.

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An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language


Join Wolfram Training for free online training series based on Stephen Wolfram's book An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language. Each session covers different chapters from the book in depth and explores additional examples and exercises. Learn how to perform calculations, manipulate images, analyze real-world data, and even deploy your own cloud apps with the powerful and elegant Wolfram Language. And don't miss out on the opportunity for interactive Q&A with the host, Wolfram Language veteran Dave Withoff.

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Fifth Autumn Academy for HPC


The HPC Short Courses Consortium Fifth Autumn Academy for High Performance Computing (HPC) will be held at the University of Cambridge from the 12th to 23rd September.

It’s an intensive two-week course designed to train researchers to start modifying and developing effective and efficient code for applications in HPC. It is suitable for any researcher who has some familiarity with programming and would like to start modifying and/or writing code for use on mid and high performance computer resources.

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Introduction to version control using Git


Research IT will be running a new full-day course providing an intensive hands-on introduction to version control using Git on Wednesday 6th July 2016.

The course is aimed at those who have no or little experience of version control. It will cover:

  • What version control is;
  • The main benefits of using version control;
  • How to set up and work with a local repository;
  • How to work with remote repositories using GitHub;
  • Topics such as branching, resolving conflicts, merging and rebasing;
  • Working collaboratively on one repository.

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Research Computing Training University of Manchester Courses


Research IT is running a short series of hands-on training courses which provide skills for researchers to further enhance their research. For information on our courses or other training that we can provide, please take a look at our training catalogue or contact us.

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PRACE Advanced Learning Courses


The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) offers free courses at different HPC centres in Europe.

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