Research IT

Fifth Autumn Academy for HPC

The HPC Short Courses Consortium Fifth Autumn Academy for High Performance Computing (HPC) will be held at the University of Cambridge from the 12th to 23rd September.

It’s an intensive two-week course designed to train researchers to start modifying and developing effective and efficient code for applications in HPC. It is suitable for any researcher who has some familiarity with programming and would like to start modifying and/or writing code for use on mid and high performance computer resources.

The academy will cover many topic including programming (C or Fortran), parallel programming (OpenMP and MPI) program profiling and optimisation, and common numerical analysis methods. The course will provide the opportunity to apply these techniques in focussed workshops within three themes: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Atomistic and Molecular Modelling and Machine Learning

Teaching will take place through a mix of lectures and hands-on practicals using both local and national HPC facilities.

The deadline for bursaries is the 3rd July and the deadline for all applications is 14th August 2016.