Research IT

Tag Search Results for Research Data Management

Found total of 3 items

Keeping Your Research Data Safe


This month's top tip is by Ian Hinder, Research Software Engineer (RSE) in Research IT, and focuses on keeping your research files safe by storing them in the Research Data Storage system provided by IT Services.

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Introducing the Research Data Gateway


The Research Data Gateway is a new service to increase the visibility of research data that you have shared. Most research funders, and an increasing number of journals, require researchers to share the data which underlies papers and this service will help you gain the maximum impact from doing this.

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New Policy - Research Data Storage on Local Devices & Platforms


A new policy has been announced on Research Data Storage which affects all researchers. The University very strongly discourages the use of local storage devices (e.g. USB disks) and "in-house" data storage platforms (e.g. local NAS servers), otherwise known as “point storage solutions”.

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