Found total of 5 items
Research Software Engineering Summer Update

In May Adrian Harwood, Head of Research Software Engineering (RSE), posted the first part of his update on the latest improvements to the RSE department. In his second part he summarises the more external facing improvements delivered by the RSE Levelling-Up Programme.
R User Group Needs You!

The recently relaunched R User Group (R.U.M) is looking for volunteers to form an organising team to help plan and deliver R User Group activities at the University.
UoM R Users Group Meeting

Join fellow R users at the next meeting of the University of Manchester R user group on Wednesday 28th November from 12:00 -13:00 at University Place room no 3.205. Come along, bring your lunch, and meet R users from across the university.
R Users Group Meetings

Did you know that there is a R users group at the University of Manchester? "R at University of Manchester" (R.U.M.), is an R User group open to all staff and students using R at The University of Manchester with regular meetings on the first Monday of each month.