Found total of 6 items
LinguaSnapp Gets a Facelift

Read about the new LinguaSnapp mobile app developed by our Mobile Development Service (MDS). Supporting the Multi-Lingual Manchester project, it is available in three flavours (Manchester, Jerusalem and Melbourne) and was built for Android and iOS using our favourite .NET cross platform framework.
Costing Mobile App Development

Like several of the services offered by Research IT, mobile application development by our team of skilled Research Software Engineers (RSEs) should be costed into your grant application before it is submitted.
Changes to Research Data Storage

From the 6th of February 2019 the way in which Research Data Storage (RDS) is provisioned and charged for is changing. It’s important that all researchers and, in particular, Project PIs are aware of this change.
Research IT Involved in Major BBC Partnership

The university has recently announced a 5 year partnership with BBC Research and Development and seven other UK Universities to unlock the potential of data in the media. We are pleased to say that Research IT staff will be using their expertise in several areas of this important project.
Research IT Hitting the Headlines with Linguasnapp

A mobile phone app developed by Research IT has been hitting the headlines recently. Featured on ITV news and Granada Reports as well as in The Daily Mirror, the Manchester Evening News and local newspapers across the region, Linguasnapp is enabling researchers to identify the range of languages used in Manchester.
LinguaSnapp Goes Global with the Help of Research IT

LinguaSnapp is a project to create multilingual landscape maps of cities round the world by crowdsourcing data from the public. Last year Research IT created a mobile app and web application for the project to focus on the city of Manchester.