Found total of 22 items and showing 10 items on page 2 of 2
Got a Burning Question About Anything Research IT Related?
Did you know that you can speak to members of the Research IT team face to face without making an appointment? We run regular drop-in sessions where you can come along and ask anything about research IT – issues with research software applications, problems with your code, queries about research data management or perhaps just to find out more about new technologies such as data visualization!
Register now for the Research IT Costing Clinic
Are you a new researcher at the University of Manchester? Do you know how to cost for the services that Research IT offer in your research grant applications? Come along to our Research IT Costing Clinic and find out more about our services, how to include them in your research grant application and how to cost for them!
June Research IT Grant Support Clinic
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers which need to be costed for in research grant proposals. From research software expertise to research sysadmins to research data storage and production of research websites – come along to our clinic on the 21st of June to find out more!
Research IT Grant Support Clinic – May
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers which need to be costed for in research grant proposals. From research software expertise to research sysadmins to research data storage and production of research websites – come along to our clinic on the 9th of May to find out more!
Research IT Grant Support Clinic – March
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers which need to be costed for in research grant proposals. From research software expertise to research sysadmins to research data storage and production of research websites – come along to our clinic on the 22nd of March to find out more!
Research IT Grant Support Clinic - Feb
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers which need to be costed for in research grant proposals. From research software expertise to research sysadmins to research data storage and production of research websites - come along to our clinic on the 15th of Feb to find out more!
Grant Support Clinic October
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers including access to high performance computing and research software consultancy but how do you know if these services are relevant to you and your research? If they are how do you describe them and cost them correctly in your grant proposal?
Research Grant Clinic - June
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers such as high performance computing and software consultancy but how do you know if these services are relevant to you and your research? If they are how do you describe them and cost them correctly in your grant proposal?
Come along to the next Research IT Grant Support Clinic on the 22nd of June where researchers and research support staff can discover more about the skills and services that we offer and, importantly, how to include them in grant proposals.
Research IT Grant Support Clinic - May
Research IT offers a range of services to UoM researchers such as high performance computing and software consultancy but how do you know if these services are relevant to you and your research? If they are how do you describe them and cost them correctly in your grant proposal?
New Research IT Grant Support Clinic
Research IT are launching a new series of sessions where you can discover more about Research IT, the skills and services that we offer and, importantly, how to include them in your grant proposals.