Found total of 10 items
Advancing HPC Innovation: Research IT at SuperComputing 2024

Supercomputing Conference (SC), is an annual event that serves as a key platform for technological innovation in High Performance Computing bringing together scientists, engineers, and technologists to showcase advancements and achievements in the field. This year, Rob Haines, Director of Research IT, and George Leaver, Senior Systems Administrator, attended on behalf of Research IT. They attended workshops and tutorials and engaged with vendors, strengthening existing partnerships and exploring potential future collaborations.
GPU Enabled, Multi-process Simulations on the CSF

Our Application Support team have a wide variety of skills and experience available to researchers. Recently Oliver Woolland helped a researcher from the School of Chemistry to make the most of our GPU offering by running advanced, accelerated applications.
Interested in NVidia GPU / Python Training?

We are currently gauging interest for a potential NVidia training course and we need your feedback!
Providing Edge Compute Services for a New National Facility

The Research IT Edge Compute and Satellite Storage service was launched in August, 2020. Find out how we have been helping the National Research Facility for Lab X-ray Computed Tomography to establish a networked computing and data storage facility
Launch of Bede - a new high performance computing platform

Bede, the N8’s new high performance computing platform, is now open for users from across N8.
New Cutting Edge GPU Resource

Researchers at the University of Manchester will have access to a new computational resource this summer. N8 CIR was successful in bidding for a new Tier 2 computational resource in the EPSRC Tier 2 HPC call which took place in Autumn last year.
Hacking Fluids Around Structures on GPUs in Sheffield

Ian Hinder, Research Software Engineer (RSE) from Research IT recently attended a GPU Hackathon at the University of Sheffield. In this blog post he explains the outcomes of the event and the benefits of having research software engineers involved in research projects.
New GPU Resources for The HPC Pool

Two months ago the Research IT HPC Pool consisting of 4096 CPU cores of Infiniband-connected compute resource (all dedicated to true HPC work) went into production. Many researchers are already running jobs on this new resource which was delivered via Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) Change Project Z: High performance compute investments. We are now pleased to announce the arrival of further compute resources which will be available to all UoM researchers by the beginning of June.
An EU service to help improve performance of parallel software

The EU funded "Performance Optimisation and Productivity (POP) Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Computing Applications" currently provides various services to help improve performance of parallel software, including software written using MPI and OpenMP and for GPUs.