Research IT

Tag Search Results for Software

Found total of 76 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 7

Intro to Docker: an interactive training event

People sitting in a tiered lecture theatre listening to a person speaking at the front of the room
People sitting in a tiered lecture theatre listening to a person speaking at the front of the room
Francisco Herrerias Azcue,

To help researchers adopt modern software architectures and enable them to use the vast range of existing containerised tools, our Research Software Engineers have developed an interactive course which introduces the basics of container usage.

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Upcoming Changes to MathWorks Sign On

Anja Le Blanc,

From the 9th of Sept you will notice a change in how you sign into MathWorks products such as MATLAB and Simulink.

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Keeping Track of Dependencies

Donal Fellows,

Dependency tracking is one of the tasks that it is easy to forget to do, and yet is important for code of any lasting significance. GitHub has tools available to help you keep up to date to avoid unsupported dependencies and vulnerabilities. Anyone producing code at the University is encouraged to take advantage of these tools so problems due to upstream code are addressed more rapidly.

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NVivo 14 Available!

Anja Le Blanc,

Are you an NVivo user? A new version of the qualitative data analysis package is now available to the University community so let us know if you want to update!

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Upskilling Environmental Scientists in Software Development

Image of a Mac keyboard
Image of a Mac keyboard
Anja Le Blanc,

At the end of March, members of our Research Software Engineering (RSE) team ran a Carpentries-style training course for environmental science researchers in how to create research software. Could we offer something similar to YOUR PhD students and early career researchers?

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Training in Reproducible Environmental Research

Anja Le Blanc,

Apply now to learn about best practices in software development – especially if you already code but Virtual Environments, Testing, and Continuous Integration seem like advanced techniques to you.

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MATLAB Licence Update 2023

Anja Le Blanc,

The University has once again renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.

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What Can the Apps Team Do For You?

Anja Le Blanc and team,

Over the last 12 months, the Research Application Support team has worked on over 350 support tickets from researchers across the University. Many are very much business as usual but some of them can be quite tricky or fun to work on.

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Mathcad Prime License 2023

Anja Le Blanc,

The University has renewed its Mathcad Prime license for another year.  Find out how this affects you.

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Research Software Usage - Maple

Gillian Sinclair,

Do you use Maple? Never heard of it? We know that Maple is well used by our UG community but we’d like to find out more about its use (or not!) by researchers through our very quick survey.

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Discover Maple - the essential tool for research involving maths.

May 10, 2023 14:00 — 15:00


Registration is NOW CLOSED

Join Maplesoft on the 10th of May for a special webinar training session for researchers and PGRs.

Wolfram Mathematica Training Needs

Gillian Sinclair,

We want to make sure that the training we request from external providers meets the need of the University research community. This time we are asking about Wolfram Research Mathematica training.

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