Found total of 10 items
Connecting Experts for Biomedical Research

Developed by Translation Manchester and Research IT, the Translation Manchester Research Connections Tool is a dynamic online platform which enables researchers to discover and connect with a network of academic, clinical, and industry experts, both within and beyond the University.
CORONET Recognised in Journal of Clinical Oncology

CORONET, a tool created by our Research Software Engineers (RSEs), has recently been featured in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO): Clinical Cancer Informatics. Find out more about the paper’s findings which explain how the Machine Learning model was created and presented to the healthcare community.
Aiding Breast Cancer Prevention in Under-supported Groups

Research Software Engineers Patricia Barnby and Adrian Harwood, of our Mobile Development Service, have developed a new app in partnership with The Nightingale Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital and the Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. It targets women under the age of 35 with a family history of breast cancer – a group for whom there is little support available at present.
CORONET Nominated for NIHR Clinical Excellence Award

A tool created in conjunction with the Digital Experimental Cancer Medicine Team to support decisions regarding hospital admissions or discharge in cancer patients presenting with symptoms of COVID-19 has been selected for a NIHR Clinical Research Network award.
CORONET COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool - Phase II

In January 2021, our Research Software Engineers worked with the Digital Experimental Cancer Medicine Team (dECMT) to create a tool to support decisions regarding hospital admissions or discharge in cancer patients presenting with symptoms of COVID-19. The tool has been so successful that multiple improvements are now planned.
CORONET COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool Launched

Cancer patients are at increased risk of severe COVID-19. Decision-making tools for hospital admission, severity prediction and increased monitoring for early intervention are critical. The objective of this project was to identify features of COVID-19 in cancer patients predicting severe disease and build a decision-support online tool - COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool (CORONET).
Improving Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment

Members of Research IT’s Research Infrastructure Group have been working with the Proton Therapy research group (PRECISE) led by Prof. Karen Kirby at The Christie Hospital to improve clinical dose prescriptions in radiotherapy.
Want to Run a Million R Jobs?

Find out how our Research Infrastructure Engineers helped a researcher from Division of Cardiovascular Sciences run a million R jobs on confidential data in weeks rather than months.
Biggest ever map of human Alzheimer’s brain published

A study of the differences between healthy brains and those with Alzheimer’s Disease has produced largest dataset of its type ever. And, thanks to Phil Bradbury, Research Software Engineer (RSE) in Research IT, the dataset is now freely available online for any scientist to use.
Technology makes light work of hard decisions

One of our research software engineers (RSE), Rob Dunne, has been embedded in a team working to facilitate decision-making for cancer patients who may benefit from experimental treatments in early clinical trials.