Found total of 10 items
GRASS - Implementing an online patient registry

The Research Software Engineering (RSE) team has created a new online database to allow clinicians to track symptoms and treatments for patients with Alopecia Areata. This blog post discusses the technical decisions we made to guarantee the availability and security of patient data during the pilot phase of this project.
Urban / Rural Hay Fever Divide

Several of our Research Software Engineers are co-authors on a recent Nature Scientific Reports paper which found that people living in urban areas have worse hay fever symptoms than those living in the countryside.
Subcellular Visualisation on the Web with Shiny

Our pilot Shiny app hosting service is allowing University researchers to showcase their research in exciting and interactive new ways. In this blog post, we show how Jo Watson, from the School of Biological Sciences, used it to publish an app accompanying her recent paper on subcellular visualisation.
Tackling Hay Fever One Tool at a Time

Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineer, is working with researchers from Computer Science and the Alan Turing Institute to investigate the relationship between hay fever and air quality.
The Pain of a Data Collection Mobile App

For those with long term, constant and often debilitating pain, taking part in a study requiring multiple questionnaires on levels of pain to be completed would be difficult, if not impossible. Research Software Engineers have developed an app for mobile devices to make this a much easier prospect.
bmBASE: Web Application & Database

Veselin Karaganev, a Computer Science summer student from the University has been working with our Research Software Engineers to develop a web database for the basement membraneBASE project from Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research.
Personalising Breast Cancer Risk

Andrew Jerrison, Research Software Engineer, explains how he worked with researchers led by Prof. Gareth Evans from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, to develop a software application to collect and collate data that allows them to give women a personalised risk assessment of breast cancer at their normal screening session.
Keeping Patient Data Safe in the Cloud

When the Centre for Health Informatics needed to move their popular CFHealthHub to a new secure environment, they turned to Research IT for help. Steven Antrobus, their Project Manager, explains how we helped.
Using Mobile Games to Test Hypotheses in Biological Timing

The Brighter Time mobile app, developed by the Research IT Mobile Development Service (MDS) featured as part of the University’s contribution to British Science Week this year. Find out more about how we helped researchers from the Centre For Biological Timing showcase their research.
Centre for Musculoskeletal Research Launch Study Catalogue

Our Research software engineers (RSEs) are helping researchers in the Centre for Musculoskeletal Research launch a tool for sharing best practice in study design and management. The Extant Study Catalogue will allow researchers at Manchester and further afield to share details of their study design, datasets and coding practices, with a view to developing a shared data dictionary that can be used to make studies more easily comparable.