Found total of 8 items
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures and Research IT
June 5, 2024 10:00 — 11:00
Registration is NOW CLOSED
Research IT has been invited to provide an "Introduction to Research IT" session for the SALC research community.
LinguaSnapp Gets a Facelift

Read about the new LinguaSnapp mobile app developed by our Mobile Development Service (MDS). Supporting the Multi-Lingual Manchester project, it is available in three flavours (Manchester, Jerusalem and Melbourne) and was built for Android and iOS using our favourite .NET cross platform framework.
Film User Reviews Web Scraper

Research IT's drop-in sessions are just one of our many ways of reaching out to researchers across the University. We get some very interesting requests at our sessions and this is a great example of how our Research Software Engineers (RSEs) were able to help out.
Reconstructing a 16th Century Theatre in 3D

Research IT will soon be helping Oscar Seip from Italian Studies, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures to recreate a 3D prototype model of a 16th century theatre supposedly built for the King of France, Francis I. There has been some debate whether this theatre had in fact been a ‘real’ theatre but Oscar has discovered new evidence which suggests that it did actually exist.
Manchester Language Documentation Technology Heads to Russia

Thanks to a collaboration between the Multilingual Manchester research unit and the University’s Research IT group, students and citizens in Saint Petersburg will now have access to a Russian version of LinguaSnapp - The University of Manchester’s mobile app for documenting language landscapes.
Developing New Ways of Comparing Ancient Documents

Nicolas Gruel, a research software engineer from Research IT has been working with Prof Peter Pormann (School of Arts, Languages and Cultures) to easily compare interpretations and translations of a collection of around 60 early Ancient Greek medical works associated with the physician Hippocrates.
Research IT Club Nov - speakers announced!

The next Research IT club will take place on the 29th Nov, slightly earlier so as to avoid clashing with Christmas festivities! It will feature updates from our research infrastructure and software engineering teams. Our two feature presentations will look at how Research IT helped to improve the comparison, annotation and mark-up of a collection of scans and the introduction of a new data service for users of NHS data. To attend the event please register so we know how much coffee to order in!
Research IT Breathe New Life into Mary Hamilton Papers

Researchers in English Linguistics from the School of Arts, Languages and Culture were keen to enhance an existing project website, which allows visitors to view scans and transcriptions of historic documents from the John Rylands collection. A series of enquiries eventually lead them to the Research Software Engineers in Research IT.