Found total of 131 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 11
Connecting Experts for Biomedical Research
Developed by Translation Manchester and Research IT, the Translation Manchester Research Connections Tool is a dynamic online platform which enables researchers to discover and connect with a network of academic, clinical, and industry experts, both within and beyond the University.
Virtual Mindfulness for Diabetics
People with Type 2 diabetes sometimes manage their stress through mindfulness but many find it difficult to practice without support. While there are apps available, many are not engaging enough to sustain use. To address this, researchers from the University and King's College London, partnered with Research IT to create a VR app as part of the VRUnwind project.
Launch of the Python User Group
Andrew Gait and Nigel Green from our Research Software Engineering team have launched a new CaDiR channel for researchers and staff who use Python. It's open to people of all abilities and makes an excellent follow-on for those who have attended our Python training courses. Find out more about their plans for the community.
Free Access to GitHub Co-Pilot
We have had a number of people ask us about access to GitHub Co-Pilot in recent months and now staff and students at the University can get free access to the tool through GitHub Education. If you aren’t sure what it is, how it can help you or what the risks of using it are, read on.
Upcoming Changes to MathWorks Sign On
From the 9th of Sept you will notice a change in how you sign into MathWorks products such as MATLAB and Simulink.
Research Software Engineering Round Up
In July the Manchester Research Software Community (MRSC) held a lightning talk session with researchers and research staff from across the University sharing best practice, tips and information.
Farewell to our Year in Industry Students
After a year hosting University of Manchester Computer Science Year in Industry students, we look back on how it went and wish them all the best for their future studies.
Keeping Track of Dependencies
Dependency tracking is one of the tasks that it is easy to forget to do, and yet is important for code of any lasting significance. GitHub has tools available to help you keep up to date to avoid unsupported dependencies and vulnerabilities. Anyone producing code at the University is encouraged to take advantage of these tools so problems due to upstream code are addressed more rapidly.
The Great Scrum Switch Over
Following on from their blog back in March 2024, Senior RSE Ann Gledson and Head of RSE Adrian Harwood reflect on the Agile Methods for RSEs training course and the implementation of a version of scrum for all RSE projects.
Manchester Research Software Community - lightning talk session
July 17, 2024 10:30 — 12:30
Online and on campus (TBC)
Registration is NOW CLOSED
Join the Manchester Research Software Community on the 17th of July for a series of lightning talks covering a wide variety of topics from the University research community.
Detecting Text Written by AI
In today's digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in content creation, from writing articles to composing poetry. This technological marvel raises a pressing question: How can we discern whether the content we consume is the product of human creativity or the output of a sophisticated AI?