Found total of 3 items
Focus on Digital Health and Digital Humanities

Many University of Manchester researchers were users of N8 HPC and the computational resource, Polaris. Polaris was switched off at the end of July and N8 HPC has now been relaunched as N8 Centre of Excellence for Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR).
Build Your Own Earth

Would you like to be able to explore climate models and visualise their output? A new web-based tool from Prof David Schultz’s research group in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, allows you to do just that. The research team consisting of Jonathan Fairman, Stuart Anderson, and Sharon Gardner, developed the “Build Your Own Earth” model using the computational power provided by N8 HPC, the regional computing platform accessed and supported through Research IT.
How fast can a T. rex run?

Dr William Sellers from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences has been hitting the headlines with his discovery that Tyrannosaurus rex was unable move faster than a gentle jog, let alone run. The research looks extensively into the gait and biomechanics of the world’s most famous dinosaur and, using the external HPC resources accessed through and supported by Research IT, has created a new simulation model to test its findings.