Found total of 5 items
Distributing Hardware-optimized Simulation Software with Conda

Two of our Research Software Engineers have been working with the University eScience Lab on a BioExcel project to develop Conda packages for GROMACS making it easier for researchers to set up and run the software and to increase its reproducibility from computational workflow systems.
2020 The year of "Linux on the desktop"

– and it's Microsoft that could make it happen – with WSL2 (Windows Subsystem Linux 2). Find out more in this opinion piece by Research Software Engineer, Ian Cottam.
Drag'n'drop Files with macOS or Linux

Welcome to the first instalment in a series of “Hints and Tips” from our expert research software engineer and research infrastructure engineers with the aim of making your research that little bit easier to do! In this article Ian Cottam looks at how to transfer your files between the various Research IT computational resources if you use Apple macOS or Linux.
Learn Basic Research Computing Skills

Research IT staff will be teaching and assisting on a Software Carpentry Workshop in May which aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. The workshop is free to post-graduate students and employees of the University of Manchester.
Windows 10 to support Linux binaries

The big news from Microsoft is that, from this summer, Windows 10 will support user-mode programs from the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution.