Found total of 6 items
Further Investment in the Computational Shared Facility (CSF)
Continuing investment by the Faculty of Science and Engineering and University research groups is enabling further upgrades of our popular Computational Shared Facility (CSF).
HPC Pool PI and User Survey
If you are a PI of a project on the HPC Pool and/or a user of the HPC Pool then check your inboxes for your survey link! We need to hear from you to help secure future investment in HPC at the University.
Major Investment in HPC for Research and Student Research Projects
We are pleased to announce a £800k investment for local HPC facilities this summer, both for research and for taught Postgraduate and final year Undergraduate project students, a first for the University.
Interested in Applying for Time on ARCHER2?
Research Infrastructure Engineer Daniel Corbett helped researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science to successfully apply for time on ARCHER2, the UK national supercomputing service.
New GPU Resources for The HPC Pool
Two months ago the Research IT HPC Pool consisting of 4096 CPU cores of Infiniband-connected compute resource (all dedicated to true HPC work) went into production. Many researchers are already running jobs on this new resource which was delivered via Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) Change Project Z: High performance compute investments. We are now pleased to announce the arrival of further compute resources which will be available to all UoM researchers by the beginning of June.