Found total of 25 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 3
Connecting Experts for Biomedical Research

Developed by Translation Manchester and Research IT, the Translation Manchester Research Connections Tool is a dynamic online platform which enables researchers to discover and connect with a network of academic, clinical, and industry experts, both within and beyond the University.
Developing a Data Stewardship Community

Tristan Martin, Office for Open Research Coordinator (Data Stewardship) in the Library Research Data Management Team, explains current work to develop the model for Data Stewardship at The University of Manchester, including establishing a community to raise awareness of data stewardship.
Figshare+ and “Big Data” Publishing

Bill Ayres, Strategic Lead for Research Data Management, explains the difference between Figshare and the newly announced Figshare+.
Improving REDCap Data Management Training at The University

A call from the Research Lifecycle Programme prompted researcher Saskia Lawson-Tovey to get in touch with us with an idea to improve REDCap data management training at UoM. This ultimately resulted in Saskia being awarded an Elixir fellowship.
The University of Manchester joins the SafePod Network

A Safepod has now been installed in the University Library allowing researchers to meet security requirements whilst working with highly restricted data, confidential or personal information.
Developing an open source environmental data-set and tools

Douglas Lowe and Ann Gledson, Research Software Engineers from Research IT, recently presented an online poster updating on the work they have been doing for an Alan Turing Institute funded project led by David Topping (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) and Caroline Jay (School of Computer Science).
bmBASE: Web Application & Database

Veselin Karaganev, a Computer Science summer student from the University has been working with our Research Software Engineers to develop a web database for the basement membraneBASE project from Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research.
Processing UK Biobank Datasets

When faced with a large dataset from UK Biobank, Alex Casson’s research group needed an easy and quick way to process it. Christopher Beach explains how they tackled this issue with some help from Research IT.
Restricted Data Research in the Cloud

If your research involves restricted data you may feel that your computational choices are reduced. Gary Leeming, Project Design Lead for Research Lifecycle Programme Project S "Develop a service to manage restricted data", discusses what the University is doing to open up more options.
Making Large Databases Easily Available

Research IT have recently collaborated with Dr. Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo in the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) to make a large patent information database easily available to researchers in AMBS and across the University.
Collecting and Sharing Dynamic Data

A new member of the Research IT team, Ann Gledson, presented a paper at the IEEE SmartCity-2018 conference, demonstrating the use of a smart city dashboard for combining and analysing multi-source data.