Found total of 2 items
R Users Group Meetings

Did you know that there is a R users group at the University of Manchester? "R at University of Manchester" (R.U.M.), is an R User group open to all staff and students using R at The University of Manchester with regular meetings on the first Monday of each month.
Struggling with stats?

A support group, Statsclinic, has been created by a group of statisticians from the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. Led by Dr Paraskevi Pericleous, the group run regular drop-in sessions for researchers from across the university who have stats problems. The drop-in sessions are the 4th Wednesday of every month. The next session will be on the 25th Jan at 14:00-15:00 in room 4.24 in Ellen Wilkinson Building (please arrive within the first 15 mins).