Found total of 4 items
PRACE COVID-19 Project Call

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is welcoming project proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Call for Access to the European HPC Service (PRACE)

PRACE has recently announced its 15th Call for Proposals for Project Access. The current call provides access to various European Tier 0 systems from Bull, Cray, Lenovo and IBM. These comprise a mixture of standard x86, Knights Landing and GPU platforms. Joint submissions from academia and industry are particularly welcome.
Code Optimisation on ARCHER

Would you like to improve the performance of your applications on ARCHER?
This course on “Single Node Performance Optimisation” will cover the main features of modern HPC nodes, including multiple cores, vector floating point units, deep cache hierarchies, and NUMA memory systems.
PRACE Advanced Learning Courses