Found total of 4 items
Introduction to Research IT
Nov. 14, 2024 11:00 — 12:30
4.205 University Place
Registration is NOW CLOSED
New PhD student or researcher at the University of Manchester? This session is designed to introduce you to Research IT and how we can help!
Intro to Research IT
Feb. 20, 2024 11:00 — 12:30
2.218 University Place
Registration is NOW CLOSED
New PhD student or researcher at the University of Manchester? This session is designed to introduce you to Research IT and how we can help!
Introducing Research IT

Research IT is here year round for researchers but the start of year is still busy for us. Research IT will be out and about during September giving presentations to new research students who have joined the university. The presentations cover the main services that we offer researchers and highlight our training and networking opportunities.
Research IT Out and About

Research IT staff will be out and about at the start of the new academic term presenting and exhibiting at Postgraduate research welcome events across campus. The aim of the presentations is to give new research students a very high level introduction to research IT and the services that we offer.