Found total of 5 items
Research IT Infrastructure Engineer Appointed N8 CIR Theme Lead

Peter Crowther from our Research Infrastructure team has recently been appointed as the N8 CIR Research Infrastructure Engineer (RIE) Theme Lead promoting community development for RIEs.
Launch of Bede - a new high performance computing platform

Bede, the N8’s new high performance computing platform, is now open for users from across N8.
EPSRC Access to High Performance Computing

The Access to High Performance Computing Call, through which EPSRC users can access the council's new and upcoming Tier-1 and Tier-2 resources has now gone live.
New Cutting Edge GPU Resource

Researchers at the University of Manchester will have access to a new computational resource this summer. N8 CIR was successful in bidding for a new Tier 2 computational resource in the EPSRC Tier 2 HPC call which took place in Autumn last year.
Focus on Digital Health and Digital Humanities

Many University of Manchester researchers were users of N8 HPC and the computational resource, Polaris. Polaris was switched off at the end of July and N8 HPC has now been relaunched as N8 Centre of Excellence for Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR).