Research IT

Tag Search Results for HRDS

Found total of 3 items

GRASS - Implementing an online patient registry

Nigel Green,

The Research Software Engineering (RSE) team has created a new online database to allow clinicians to track symptoms and treatments for patients with Alopecia Areata. This blog post discusses the technical decisions we made to guarantee the availability and security of patient data during the pilot phase of this project.

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Need to Host Highly Restricted Data?

Felix Edelsten, Vicky Short,

The University's Secure Web Platform (SWP) is a hit with researchers for hosting their highly restricted data applications. Since its launch in April 2023, the platform has rapidly grown, now supporting six research projects. Designed specifically for highly restricted data applications, it's setting new standards in Cloud based secure data hosting.

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Planning to Use REDCap?

image of a padlock
image of a padlock
Simon Hood,

REDCap is an essential part of the University’s Highly Restricted Data Service (HRDS) allowing researchers to build and manage online databases and surveys containing restricted data. From the 1st Jan 2025 there will be changes to the way that this service is charged for.

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