Research IT

Tag Search Results for CIUK

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CIUK 2020 - open for contributions

Martin Turner,

The popular CIUK (Computing Insight UK) event is moving online this year.

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CIUK 2020 Cluster Challenge

Gillian Sinclair,

Prepare your team for the CIUK 2020 Student Cluster Challenge!

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Free Student Registration to Computing Insight UK


The popular conference, Computing Insight UK (CIUK), returns to Manchester again in December with the main theme of "Computing the Future". Students who are interested in attending can submit a poster abstract which, if accepted, will grant them free registration to the event including the CIUK exhibition and full programme of presentations and breakout sessions.

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Free Registration to Computing Insight UK


The popular conference, Computing Insight UK (CIUK), returns with the main theme of “Research Computing Delivers” and also be four sub-themes of “Career paths - service provision roles”, "Working with industry", Applications science" and “Data science”. Students who are interested in attending can submit a poster abstract which, if accepted, will grant them free registration to the event.

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Computing Insight UK - Student Poster Competition


Computing Insight UK is the leading UK event for high performance computing (HPC), data analytics and cognitive technologies, run by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. Applications for the student poster competition are now open with free registration for all selected posters and a winning poster prize of £500.

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Computing Insight UK comes to Manchester


Computing Insight UK 2016 (CIUK) will take place in Manchester this year allowing for networking between users / researchers/ vendors and sales for various HPC architectures. There is also a full day of presentations where Martin Turner from Research IT will be presenting on 'Building a bespoke system for combined HPC and 3D Visualisation.

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Computing Insight UK 2016


Save the date: 14-15 December 2016Location: Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester, UK

STFC are lining up an exciting programme of speakers for you at CIUK 2016, ready to highlight the way high performance computing, data-centric and cognitive technologies are accelerating research, boosting business and changing the world around us.

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