Research IT

Tag Search Results for CaDiR

Found total of 35 items and showing 12 items on page 1 of 3

Maps and Mince Pies

Qingyi Mao,

The GISMEO community hosted a festive event, showcasing the University's map collection and captivating attendees with fascinating stories behind the maps.

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Geographical Information Systems in Action

Image of earth taken from space by NASA
Image of earth taken from space by NASA
Kate Harrison,

On World GIS Day, the Geographical Information Systems, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) community met to focus on GIS and showcase some applications at the University.

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Meet the Data Stewardship Community Lead

Vicky Short,

In this interview we get to know more about Tristan Martin, his role in the Office for Open Research and the plans for the Data Stewardship community he leads.

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Launch of the Python User Group

Andrew Gait, Nigel Green,

Andrew Gait and Nigel Green from our Research Software Engineering team have launched a new CaDiR channel for researchers and staff who use Python. It's open to people of all abilities and makes an excellent follow-on for those who have attended our Python training courses. Find out more about their plans for the community.

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Spotlight on GISMEO Community Co-Lead

Kate Harrison,

Polyanna da Conceição Bispo is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography and one of the GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) community leads. Here's a snippet from a recent interview where we get to know more about Polyanna and her passion for Earth Observation (EO).

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AI Assisted Coding in RStudio

Anthony Evans,

Research Software Engineer Anthony Evans delves into how cutting-edge AI tools powered by advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) can help deliver contextually relevant assistance and suggestions, enhancing your RStudio programming workflow.

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UoM UK Biobank Showcase

Jan. 30, 2025 12:00 — 16:00

5.206 University Place

Registration is NOW CLOSED

This event has reached capacity and a waiting list is now in place.
Join UK Biobank users and members of the UK Biobank for an event showcasing the breadth of research enabled across the University by this major resource. The event will feature a keynote from the UoM UK Biobank Steering Group as well as lightning talks and posters from researchers across the University.

GISMEO Maps and Mince Pies

Dec. 5, 2024 13:00 — 15:00

The Map Room - University Library

Registration is NOW CLOSED

The GISMEO community are excited to celebrate the University’s map collection at this special event.

Spotlight on GISMEO Community Co-Lead

Kate Harrison,

Donna Sherman (Map Curator, Special Collections) is one of the GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) community leads. Find out more about Donna's interest in maps, her role as Map Curator and and her hopes for the GISMEO community.

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Announcing Upcoming GISMEO Community Drop-in Sessions

Kate Harrison,

For anyone interested in Geographical Information Systems, Mapping, and Earth Observation, the GISMEO community has announced the dates of its regular drop-in sessions.

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GIS in action a GISMEO community event

Nov. 20, 2024 12:30 — 14:00

Online via Zoom

Registration is NOW CLOSED

Discover how GIS is shaping research, teaching, and well-being initiatives across the university. Hear from guest speakers, explore real-world applications, and share your feedback to help guide the future of GIS. The event will conclude with an interactive Q&A.

Enabling the University Special Interest Groups

Head shot of William Lloyd
Head shot of William Lloyd
Vicky Short,

University special interest and user groups couldn't happen without the support and leadership of our research community. Dr William Lloyd (School of Health Sciences) has recently joined the University UK Biobank user group as one of the academic leads. Discover how this complements his new role at the UK Biobank.

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