Found total of 4 items
Interested in Applying for Time on ARCHER2?

Research Infrastructure Engineer Daniel Corbett helped researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science to successfully apply for time on ARCHER2, the UK national supercomputing service.
ARCHER - Break in Service Feb 2020

Are you a user of the national HPC service ARCHER? If so you may have seen their announcement about a significant break in service provision to allow for the installation of their new system - ARCHER2.
Autumn HPC Calls Now Open

There are two HPC calls out at the moment – one for access to the EPSRC funded Tier 2 High Performance Computing facilities and one for access to ARCHER, a Cray XC30 machine. If you are interested in responding to either of these calls, we are happy to help with any applications, please get in touch.
Code Optimisation on ARCHER

Would you like to improve the performance of your applications on ARCHER?
This course on “Single Node Performance Optimisation” will cover the main features of modern HPC nodes, including multiple cores, vector floating point units, deep cache hierarchies, and NUMA memory systems.