Research IT

Tag Search Results for Apps

Found total of 4 items

NVivo 14 Available!

Anja Le Blanc,

Are you an NVivo user? A new version of the qualitative data analysis package is now available to the University community so let us know if you want to update!

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GPU Enabled, Multi-process Simulations on the CSF

Oliver Woolland,

Our Application Support team have a wide variety of skills and experience available to researchers. Recently Oliver Woolland helped a researcher from the School of Chemistry to make the most of our GPU offering by running advanced, accelerated applications.

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MATLAB Licence Update 2023

Anja Le Blanc,

The University has once again renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.

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What Can the Apps Team Do For You?

Anja Le Blanc and team,

Over the last 12 months, the Research Application Support team has worked on over 350 support tickets from researchers across the University. Many are very much business as usual but some of them can be quite tricky or fun to work on.

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