Found total of 4 items
Mobile App Oils the Wheels of Apprenticeships

Our Mobile Development Service (MDS) have been working with Drs Gail Hebson and Clare Mumford from the Alliance Manchester Business School to deliver a mobile app to improve the mentoring process in apprenticeships.
Making Large Databases Easily Available

Research IT have recently collaborated with Dr. Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo in the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) to make a large patent information database easily available to researchers in AMBS and across the University.
Helping to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Researchers from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Manchester have been helping local authorities across the UK plan their carbon emissions reduction strategies with a little help from Research IT.
The Environmental Impact of your Shopping

Have you ever wondered if your shopping habits could be influenced? Do you buy the same groceries every week? Would extra information allow you to make informed choices when you do your online shop? Research IT helped a group of researchers who were trying to see if they could make consumers change their mind.