Research IT

Research IT News

Upgrades to Research Explorer

Traceyanne Sinclair,

Find out about the latest upgrade to Research Explorer and what it means for researchers at the University.

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Top 10 News Articles of 2022

Gillian Sinclair,

As it’s approaching the end of the year, it seems like a good time to look back on our most popular blog posts of 2022. What generated the most interest from the University research community this year?

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Christmas Holiday Cover

Red and white christmas tree baubles with a map of the earth on them
Red and white christmas tree baubles with a map of the earth on them
Gillian Sinclair,

Our team will be having a well earned break over the Christmas holidays!

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Raising Awareness in the Humanities

Simon Hood; Pen Richardson,

Members of our team recently presented at a Faculty of Humanities workshop designed to raise awareness amongst their researchers of the University’s high performance computing clusters and how we could develop our services to better address their needs.

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Upgrades to Our Computational Shared Facility (CSF3)

Simon Hood; Pen Richardson,

We are pleased to announce further developments of the CSF3.

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Reproducible Environmental Research from Research IT

Image of a snow-capped mountain range and forest
Image of a snow-capped mountain range and forest
Anja Le Blanc,

Several members of our team are providing expert training for earth and environmental science researchers and PGRs in March next year. Apply now for a place!

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Launch of the Research IT Academic Advisory Group

Robert Haines, David Topping,

The first meeting of the new Research IT Academic Advisory Group (RITAAG) recently took place. Find out how this group will represent all aspects of research at the University and how you can feed in your views on Research IT and research IT provision.

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Bright Future Ahead for Research Software Engineering at Manchester

Photo of Adrian Harwood
Photo of Adrian Harwood
Adrian Harwood,

Adrian Harwood was appointed Head of Research Software Engineering (RSE) in Research IT in August. He has spent the last few months looking at how to take the RSE team to the next level in order to meet the growing needs of the research community here at the University.

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MATLAB Licence Update 2022

Anja Le Blanc,

The University has renewed the license to allow the download and install of the full suite of MATLAB products on to both staff and students’ own, or University provided, computers.

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Cyber Essentials Renewal 2022

Gillian Sinclair,

IT Services has renewed the University’s compliance with the Cyber Essentials scheme until March 2023.

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We're Hiring!

RSE Team,

Coming to the end of a fixed-term contract? Tired of being a post-doc and want to focus on developing cutting-edge software for world-leading research? Have you thought about becoming a permanent Research Software Engineer (RSE) in Research IT?

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Join the N8 CIR Women in HPC Chapter!

Gillian Sinclair,

Are you a woman who uses HPC in her work and / or research? If so then join the N8 CIR Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) chapter!

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