Research IT News
Research Software Usage - Maple

Do you use Maple? Never heard of it? We know that Maple is well used by our UG community but we’d like to find out more about its use (or not!) by researchers through our very quick survey.
Internal Changes in our Research Software Engineering Department

Adrian Harwood, Head of Research Software Engineering (RSE), updates on the RSE department’s levelling-up journey as introduced last year. The RSE department has continued to grow in numbers as well as skills and experience and Adrian is excited to share with the community how it has developed so far and his expectations for the next 6 months.
Baler: Using AI to Help Efficiently Store Data in a Big Data Age

With ever more data being produced, can we store it efficiently? Research Software Engineer (RSE), Oliver Woolland, has been supporting a team to develop Baler, a Machine Learning tool for compressing scientific and engineering data.
Software Development Essentials for Scientists

At the end of March, members of our Research Software Engineering (RSE) team ran a Carpentries-style training course for researchers in the environmental sciences. The training took place over five days, and introduced the researchers to intermediate-level software development skills and practices.
eLab: Enhancing Dataset Management

Find out more about how one of our experienced RSEs, Andrew Jerrison, has been providing extra capacity to the University eLab team, developing bespoke features for their software to enhance management of datasets and lab operations for an international customer.
Bespoke for you - Python training at the University

Earlier last month, members of our Research Software Engineering team ran a Carpentries-style training for the Henry Royce Institute. The training took place over two days, where day one covered Introduction to Python and day two covered Data Analysis and Visualization.
Urban / Rural Hay Fever Divide

Several of our Research Software Engineers are co-authors on a recent Nature Scientific Reports paper which found that people living in urban areas have worse hay fever symptoms than those living in the countryside.
R User Group Needs You!

The recently relaunched R User Group (R.U.M) is looking for volunteers to form an organising team to help plan and deliver R User Group activities at the University.
Got a Short-term Project? We Can Help!

Did you know that our pool of Research Software Engineers are not just available for long-term, big money projects? Even if you have very little funding or a very small amount of work for us to do, come and speak to us!
Wolfram Mathematica Training Needs

We want to make sure that the training we request from external providers meets the need of the University research community. This time we are asking about Wolfram Research Mathematica training.
Disseminating Student Projects

Dr Sarah MacQuarrie from the Institute of Education has developed a new way of disseminating and promoting student projects with a little help from our Research Software Engineers.
R User Group Returns

The popular R user group at the University of Manchester (R.U.M) has recently been relaunched with a new online home - “The R User Group channel “ on Microsoft Teams.